Is your pet overweight or obese?
An overweight a pet is up to 15% heavier than the optimal weight for species, breed, sex and age. An overweight pet will show an increase in fat over the ribs, a slightly rounded abdomen, flank folds hanging down with a moderate amount of fat visible and a noticeable jiggle when walking.
An obese pet is more than 15% heavier than the optimal weight. The animal’s ribs and backbone are not easily felt under a heavy fat covering. A rounded abdomen makes the wait less visible to absent, and prominent flank folds which sway when walking are evident.
Still not sure where to start? Many vet practices run free nurse clinics and will be able to help you to weigh your cat or dog, advise of your pet’s optimal weight, set achievable targets and provide motivation and support.
Or join our FREE diet club today! Joining our Diet Club entitles you to free specialized and personalized advice from our registered Veterinary Nurse and holder of the Certificate in Canine and Feline Veterinary Health Nutrition, Ness Bird. Ness will be with you every step of the way, ensuring the necessary steps are taken to get your pet back down to their ideal weight.