
Offer terms and conditions

Only one code can be redeemed per transaction
Discount codes can't be used with subscription orders

Terms and conditions - 10% off email subscriber voucher code

  1. Discount voucher code giving 10% off full basket value on

  2. Code expires in 28 days from date of first receipt.

  3. Promotion code entitles the customer to 10% discount off basket total when code is entered at the checkout.

  4. Voucher code allows a single use per unique email address.

  5. Voucher code allows 10% off basket value only and cannot be exchanged for a cash alternative.

  6. Customer purchasing must be 18 or over.

  7. Voucher code can be used on only and not redeemable at any 3rd party Arden Grange seller websites or in a brick and mortar retailer.

  8. Voucher code cannot be used in conjunction with any other voucher codes or promotions running at time of purchase.

  9. Discount codes can't be used with subscription orders.

Terms and conditions - THRIVE15 - 15% off your first order

  1. This offer entitles you to 15% off your order.

  2. Discount code expires on 31st January 2025.

  3. One use per customer.

  4. No minimum quantity or spend.

  5. Items must be added to basket and code used at checkout to receive this discount.

  6. This offer is for new customers only.

  7. Discount codes can't be used with subscription orders.

  8. Discount only valid on first order.

Terms and conditions - 15% off - / Times Online / Daily Mail Online

  1. This offer entitles you to 15% off your order.

  2. Discount code expires on 31st December 2024.

  3. One use per customer.

  4. No minimum quantity or spend.

  5. Items must be added to basket and code used at checkout to receive this discount.

  6. Discount codes can't be used with subscription orders.

Terms and conditions - 15% off - Mail on Sunday / Guardian on Sunday

  1. This offer entitles you to 15% off your order.

  2. Discount code expires on 31st December 2024.

  3. One use per customer.

  4. No minimum quantity or spend.

  5. Items must be added to basket and code used at checkout to receive this discount.

  6. Discount codes can't be used with subscription orders.

Terms and conditions - GENTLE10 - 10% off sensitive adult venison dry food

  1. This offer entitles you to 10% off our sensitive venison dry food.

  2. Discount code expires on 10th February 2025.

  3. One use per customer.

  4. No minimum quantity or spend.

  5. Items must be added to basket and code used at checkout to receive this discount.

  6. Discount codes can't be used with subscription orders.